National health reform is on the horizon, and the Senate bill has many VERY good provisions that would go into effect THIS YEAR and would help millions of Americans and thousands of CCHCC’s constituents. Check out the stories of local consumers and how health reform would help them!
How Health Reform Will Help…
Anne (PDF)
Problem: Anne’s employer-based health insurance charges 210% more in premiums for her coverage ($377.37 per month) than the insurance company charges for a male of the same age ($179.28 per month), just because Anne is a female.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will prohibit discriminatory insurance practices of charging higher prices based on age, gender, and health status.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Allie (PDF)
Problem: Allie’s employer-based health insurance charges 150% more in premiums for her coverage ($470.91 per month) than the insurance company charges for a male of the same age ($190.75 per month), just because Allie is a female.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will make this form of discrimination, called “gender rating,” illegal. New regulations will prohibit insurance companies from charging different, inflated premiums based on gender.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Claudia (PDF)
Problem: Claudia is the Executive Director of a small non-profit organization that provides health insurance to its employees. The health insurance available in the small group market is extremely expensive and discriminates based on age and gender.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will provide small businesses and non-profits with tax credits for providing health insurance to their employees, making it more affordable. Discrimination based on gender and aged will be prohibited.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Dorothy (PDF)
Problem: Dorothy, a Medicare beneficiary, worries about being able to afford the co-pay when she needs to get an exam or routine test like a mammogram.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will eliminate all co-pays and deductibles for preventative services like cancer screenings and annual wellness exams.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Ernest (PDF)
Problem: Ernest is uninsured and cannot afford to purchase health insurance in the individual market.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will provide tax credits to help consumers obtain affordable insurance coverage. Ernest will be able to use those savings to shop for individual health insurance through a national health exchange, like Congress does.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
John (PDF)
Problem: John has health insurance through his wife’s employer. John worries about his coverage still working for him as he moves towards retirement.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will protect John by limiting his out of pocket expenses, prohibit lifetime or annual limits on his insurance coverage, and prohibit his health insurance company from revoking his coverage should his health status change.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Katherine (PDF)
Problem: Katherine is a college student and she worries about finding a job with health coverage when she graduates.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will allow Katherine to stay on her parent’s health insurance until the age of 26, regardless of her status as a student.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Medicare beneficaries (PDF)
Problem: Many Medicare beneficiaries fall into the Medicare Part D “donut hole” coverage gap each year, forcing them to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for their prescriptions while continuing to pay for drug coverage that they cannot use.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will reduce the “donut hole” coverage gap by $500 and provide for 50% discounted name-brand drugs while in the donut hole.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Paulette (PDF)
Problem: Paulette has health insurance through her employer but her premiums go up every year and her employer is struggling to continue to offer her coverage.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will require health insurance companies to adopt and implement uniform standards and rules to reduce paperwork and administrative costs. Health reform will also require insurance companies to spend 80-85% of all premium dollars on actual health care rather than administration and profit, which will keep premiums from continuing to rise at such high rates every year.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Rukiya (PDF)
Problem: Rukiya is uninsured because her employer does not offer health insurance coverage.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will create a health insurance exchange where small businesses, like Rukiya’s employer, can shop for affordable coverage for their employees. Rukiya could also shop for affordable coverage for herself through the health insurance exchange.
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How Health Reform Will Help…
Yadira (PDF)
Problem: Yadira is satisfied with her health insurance she receives through her employer and doesn’t want to change.
Health Reform Solution: Health reform legislation will not force Yadira to change health insurance plans, and will likely lower the cost of her monthly premiums.