Help make Health Care for All Illinois a reality!
On Thursday, September 18, 2008, nearly 100 community members turned out to support HB 311 – the Health Care for All Illinois Act. This was one of several hearings being held throughout the state if Illinois on this legislation. The overwhelming support for this legislation shows consumes are ready for single-payer health care.
Rep. Mary Flowers.
Consumer testimony.
About 100 consumers attended the hearing.
Dr. Quinten Young speaks to the crowd.
Click here to watch CCHCC Executive Director Claudia Lennhoff give testimony in support of HB 311.
Click here (pt. 1) and here (pt. 2) to see the slideshow presentation about HB 311 that was given at the Hearing.
Click here to read the news coverage before the Hearing (News-Gazette).
Take Action Today!
Want to take action to support single-payer in the state of Illinois? Add your name to our letter to elected officials by filling out the form below. Let our legislators know you want health care for ALL in Illinois.
HouseBill 311 (HB 311), The Health Care for All Illinois Act, is legislation in the Illinois General Assembly that would create a statewide single-payer healthinsurance program to provide comprehensive health benefits to all Illinoisans.Features of the single-payer plan include:
- Comprehensive coverage for all Illinoisans including doctor, hospital, long-term,mental health, dental and visioncare, as well as prescription drugs and medical supplies.
- No premiums, co-payments, or deductibles that inhibit access to care and unfairly burden low-income people.
- Paysfor itself by eliminating wasteful private insurance administration andprofit (which currently accounts for over 24% of every health care dollar, and is on the rise). Modest, progressive taxes (including employer taxes) would replace what is currently paid out-of-pocket.
Click here to download the flyer (PDF).
Click here to download a fact sheet on HB 311 (PDF).
Co-sponsored by: Champaign County Health Care Consumers, Health Care for All Illinois, Physicians for a National Health Program, Representative Naomi Jakobsson