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Supplemental Security Income (SSI): A Brief Overview of SSI

A Brief Overview of SSI

The Benefits of SSI

SSI Eligibility

For people under the age of 65, SSI eligibility requires both having a documented disability and limited income/ economic resources.

SSI Work Incentives and Programs

There are many ways to maintain SSI eligibility while working. This is typically done through Social Security’s Work Incentive Programs. These programs allow recipients to earn more than an amount that indicates Substantial Gainful Activity– the income level set by SSA- and still maintain eligibility.There are two broad categories of Work Incentive Programs. Some center around saving money to meet a future goal- like starting a business- while others focus on deducting disability-related expenses (i.e. accessible transportation to work). To get help in understanding how work can impact SSI Benefits, or how to utilize Work Incentive Programs, contact a Benefits Planning Specialist at (217) 558-6326.

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