The 2004 CCHCC Annual Awards Dinner was held on Friday, July 23, 2004. The featured speaker was Catherine Dunham, the national director for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Community Health Leadership Program.
Click here to watch the 2004 slideshow from the Dinner.
Champaign County Health Care Consumers 2004 Honorees
The Henrietta De Boer Volunteer of the Year Award
Ma’ayan Weinberg
Kimmy Wentling
Katie Coombes
Aimee Olson Advocate of the Year Award
Laura McDaniel
Activist of the Year Award
Jim Bean
Special Recognition
The Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative
Harry J. Baker Community Service Award
Julie & Dennis Bradley
Citizen Leadership Award
Brenda Shannon
Harold Quinn
Excellence in Health Care Reporting Award
Lucette Lagnado, The Wall Street Journal
The Golden Bedpan Award (disservice award)
President George W. Bush