Here’s what we’re doing instead, and how you can help.
April 28,2020
Dear friends,
In the interest of everyone’s health and safety during the coronavirus pandemic, Champaign County Health Care Consumers has canceled our 2020 Annual Awards Dinner, which would have been held in May this year.
Although we cannot gather for our annual celebration, CCHCC staff are still working very hard every day to serve our community during the coronavirus pandemic. We have had an increase in the number of clients we are serving as a result of community members losing employment and income, and needing extra resources during the Shelter-in-Place order.
Medicaid, SNAP, Rx help, cash assistance and more!
Although we are working remotely, we are helping an increasing number of clients and community members to get the resources they and their families need during these challenging times. We have clients who have lost income and health insurance and who don’t know where to turn for other resources. We are here to help! We continue to help individuals and families gain coverage to health insurance, food stamps (SNAP), rental assistance, LIHEAP, prescriptions, and more. We have also successfully distributed cash assistance to numerous households as a result of CCHCC receiving a small grant from the United Way and Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Fund.
Even though we are canceling our Annual Awards Dinner, we still need your support! Here is how you can help us.
Our Annual Awards Dinner, and our Adbook program for the Dinner, are major annual fundraisers for CCHCC. Although we have had to cancel our Dinner, we are not in a financial position to be able to do without the income that our Dinner and Adbook provides every year. So, if you normally contribute to our Dinner or Adbook, please consider doing so this year anyway. Here are a couple of ways you can help support CCHCC:
1. Make a donation to CCHCC in lieu of purchasing a dinner ticket or table.
If you normally purchase or donate a ticket for the Dinner ($40 or whatever you can afford) or an entire table ($340), please consider making an equivalent contribution anyway (if you are able to do so). DONATE NOW!
2. Purchase an ad in our digital Adbook.
Although we are canceling our Dinner, we will still have an online digital Adbook to demonstrate support for CCHCC and for the organizations and businesses that support us. Our Adbook will be published online toward the end of May, and we will make sure that our supporters and community see the Adbook and are aware of the wonderful businesses, organizations, and individuals who support CCHCC. If you normally purchase an Ad for our Adbook, please consider doing so again this year – the funds raised from our Adbook help support our direct client services, which are very much in demand right now! PLACE AN AD then PURCHASE AN AD.
Thank you for your continued support of CCHCC and the work we do to help improve the lives and health of our community members!
We will miss seeing everyone and celebrating our accomplishments together! But we are deeply grateful for the support we receive so that we can continue delivering the services and the advocacy that help improve the health of our community.
Thank you for your support!
Claudia Lennhoff
Executive Director
Champaign County Health Care Consumers