The 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign is dedicated to protecting the health of the neighborhood and the rights of the community in relation to the toxic site owned by Ameren, located at 5th and Hill Streets in Champaign.
The goals of the 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign are:
• To learn the extent and type of toxicity resulting from the Ameren former Manufactured Gas Plant (FMGP), including the contamination in residential areas;
• To assess the health effects on residents and former residents of any exposure to toxins associated with the Ameren site;
• To ensure the rights and protect the health of any resident or former resident affected by exposure to toxins associated with the Ameren site;
• To assess and have appropriate input into the Site Remediation Plan for the 5th & Hill neighborhood, including remediation for residences and neighborhood areas;
• To ensure neighborhood and community input into future development plans for the site and neighborhood at 5th & Hill.
This campaign is organized by: Champaign County Health Care Consumers (CCHCC), and
C-U Political Action Project, in collaboration with neighborhood residents
For more information, or to get involved, please contact:
Claudia Lennhoff, CCHCC at 352-6533 or