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CCHCC E-Mail Newsletter – December 2009

CCHCC E-Mail Newsletter – December 2009

1. Campaign & Program Updates
2. Health Action Network
3. Ask an Advocate
4. Upcoming Meetings & Events
5. Support CCHCC


Dear Friends,

Welcome! Thank you for reading the Champaign County Health Care Consumers
(CCHCC) E-mail Newsletter. The goal of the CCHCC E-mail Newsletter is to keep you up-to-date on CCHCC campaigns and activities, and let you know of ways to support health care justice in your very own community.

Have any feedback for the CCHCC E-mail Newsletter? Want more information on a certain campaign or program? Have a question for “Ask the Advocate?” Email Allison with feedback on the newsletter at

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— And become a Fan!


— Health Care Access Task Force:
On November 4, 2009, members of Champaign County Health Care Consumers attended the Certificate of Need hearing, run by the Illinois Health Facilities Planning & Services Board, regarding the merger of Carle Clinic and Carle Hospital. CCHCC representatives spoke in favor of the merger between the two organizations, citing an increase in access to care and fair billing practices that would result. If you were unable to attend the hearing and would like to provide testimony, visit our website and submit your comments in the form at the bottom of this page, and CCHCC will turn in your testimony.

— 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign:
On Tuesday, November 10, 2009, the 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign held a press conference to discuss a public works project occurring in the 5th & Hill neighborhood in north Champaign. The public works project, a replacement of the water lines by Illinois American Water, was taking place directly across the street from the Ameren owned toxic site at 5th Street and Hill Street. Contaminants such as benzene and cyanide have been found in the area and residents were very concerned about the safety of the project.
At the press conference, residents discussed the lack of communication regarding the public works project, the Illinois EPA’s lack of oversight, and also a lack of testing for toxic chemicals prior to the start of the project. Visit our website for more information and to see the news coverage of the event.

— Medicare Task Force:
On Monday, November 16, 2009 at 10:30 am, the CCHCC Medicare Task Force held a Part D Open Enrollment Information Briefing. Joining us for this briefing was the East Central Illinois Area Agency on Aging, the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans, and Family Service Senior Resource Center. Dozens of community members came out to learn more about changes to Part D in 2010.
The Medicare Task Force also has packets of information on Medicare Part D available at the Champaign and Urbana libraries. Visit our website to learn more!


Champaign County Health Care Consumers needs your support in the struggle for REAL health reform. One key component to national health reform must be strong regulation of private insurance companies, and consumer protections.
Private health insurance companies must be regulated to prohibit them from their current practices of:
* discriminating based on gender;
* denying coverage for pre-existing conditions;
* dropping or rescinding coverage for sick consumers;
* and applying annual or lifetime benefit limits.

Private health insurance companies must be regulated so that:
* there are standards for what benefits must be provided;
* everyone is guaranteed coverage;
* and coverage is renewable.

We must demand that Congress include these much needed regulations and protections in the final legislation! The Senate is set to begin debate on their health reform bill in the next few weeks, so let your elected officials to know that America needs real insurance regulation. Call today!

Senator Dick Durbin: (202) 224-2152
Senator Roland Burris: (202) 224-2854


Question: Where can I get a vaccination for the H1N1 flu?

Answer: If you need a flu vaccination, please call your primary care physician, or visit the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District website for dates/times of flu shot clinics.

Call CCHCC’s Consumer Health Hotline at (217) 352-6533 for more information or any other health care question.


— CCHCC Holiday Party
You are invited to Champaign County Health Care Consumers’ Annual Holiday Party to be held on Friday, December 4, 2009. Come celebrate another great year of fighting for health care justice with CCHCC! Refreshments will be provided, but all are welcome to bring a dish to share. We will be drawing the 2009 CCHCC Annual Raffle prize winners at the party, so come ready to purchase one last chance to win. You can also pick up some CCHCC stocking stuffers for your friends and family, including t-shirts, tote bags, and key chains. RSVP for the Holiday Party today!
Call us at (217) 352-6533.
Email us at Or visit our website:

— Attend the next Health Care Access Task Force meeting on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Wesley United Methodist Church (Green and Goodwin in Urbana). The Health Care Access Task Force meets each month to work on health care access in our community. We’d love to see you there!
Call us at(217) 352-6533 with questions or to RSVP.


— Join CCHCC for a fundraising night at the Savoy 16 theater on December 17, 2009 from 6:00 to 10:00pm. All you need to do to participate is come to the Savoy 16 theater and stop at the concession stand. Bring your “invitation” to the cashier, and CCHCC will get 50% of the concession sales.
Come enjoy some popcorn and support health care justice at the same time!
Bring the whole family!

What: CCHCC Fundraiser at the Savoy 16
When: Thursday, December 17, 2009 – 6:00 – 10:00pm
Where: Savoy 16 Theater – 232 W. Burwash, Savoy, IL (south on Neil Street, behind Worden-Martin car dealer, next to Schnucks)

Please note: You must make a purchase at the concession stand to benefit CCHCC, and also, don’t forget to give your invitation to the cashier!

Visit our website to download your invitation:

— There is still time to purchase tickets to the CCHCC annual raffle – so get your tickets today! Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. All proceeds support the CCHCC Hotline and Dental Referral Program. Drawing to be held on December 4, 2009. Need not be present to win. Great prizes include t-shirts, food, gift certificates, and more!

Buy your tickets online at the CCHCC store today!

Or email to buy tickets through the mail.  

Champaign County Health Care Consumers
44 E. Main Street  Suite 208
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 352-6533
Fax:   (217) 352-9745

Support health care justice – donate to CCHCC today! Visit our website to make a tax-deductible contribution today.
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