CCHCC E-Mail Newsletter – May 2010
1. Campaign & Program Updates
2. Health Action Network
3. Ask an Advocate
4. Upcoming Meetings & Events
5. Support CCHCC
Dear Friends,
Welcome! Thank you for reading the Champaign County Health Care Consumers
(CCHCC) E-mail Newsletter. The goal of the CCHCC E-mail Newsletter is to keep you up-to-date on CCHCC campaigns and activities, and let you know of ways to support health care justice in your very own community.
Have any feedback for the CCHCC E-mail Newsletter? Want more information on a certain campaign or program? Have a question for “Ask the Advocate?” Email Allison with feedback on the newsletter at allison@HealthCareconsumers.org.
** Support CCHCC on Facebook! **
— Join our group today!
— And become a Fan!
— Annual Awards Dinner – Thank you for another great year of fighting for health care justice! The Annual Awards Dinner, held on Friday, April 23, 2010, was attended by nearly 200 community members and health care activists. Visit our website to see the slideshow, the award winners, and photos from the evening!
— Health Care Access Task Force:
Now that health reform has become law, what does this mean for you? Join the Health Care Access Task Force at their upcoming Community Meeting on National Health Reform on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Champaign Public Library. Visit our website for more information or to RSVP today!
— 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign:
The 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign has a victory to report!
Thanks to the efforts of neighborhood residents, the Champaign City Council has agreed to hold a Study Session on Tuesday, July 27 at 7 p.m. (this date is tentative) to consider amending the City’s groundwater ordinance, passed in 2007. This ordinance, because of a loophole in Illinois Environmental Protection Agency regulations, allows Ameren to leave all of the heavily contaminated groundwater in place. To learn more about the groundwater ordinance and to sign the 5th & Hill petition to repeal the groundwater ordinance, please go to:
Want to show your support for the 5th & Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign?
Purchase a yard sign to display on your lawn! The signs read: “Residents deserve a healthy neighborhood! Clean up toxic waste at 5th & Hill!”
Suggested donation per yard sign to support the campaign – $3 to $5. If you would like a yard sign, contact Grant at (217) 352-6533 or email grant@HealthCareconsumers.org
— Medicare Task Force:
The Medicare Task Force will be holding a press conference on the new health reform law and the provisions that affect Medicare beneficiaries on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at the CCHCC office (44 East Main Street, Suite 208 in downtown Champaign). Come to the press conference to learn more about how seniors can benefit from this new law! Contact Anne for more information at anne@HealthCareconsumers.org.
Join CCHCC at the Farmer’s Market!
CCHCC will have a table at the Urbana Farmer’s Market on Saturday, June 12th. The Farmer’s Market is held in the parking lot of the Lincoln Square Mall – see their website for more details:
Stop by our table, say hello, and sign a petition! Find out information about upcoming meetings and get involved today!
Question: How do I get in contact with the nursing home/public aid/public health department?
Answer: CCHCC gets many calls for other organizations – here is a list of the most commonly requested phone numbers.
Champaign Urbana Public Health District – 352-7961 Champaign County Public Health Department – 363-3269 Champaign County Nursing Home – 384-3784 Department of Human Services/Public Aid – 278-5605 Frances Nelson Community Health Center – 356-1558
Call the Consumer Health Hotline with any questions at (217) 352-6533.
— Attend the next Health Care Access Task Force meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Wesley United Methodist Church (Green and Goodwin in Urbana). The Health Care Access Task Force meets each month to work on health care access in our community. We’d love to see you there!
Call us at(217) 352-6533 with questions or to RSVP.
— Interested in working for a better prescription drug benefit for Medicare beneficiaries? Then join the Medicare Task Force on Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church (210 W. Church in Champaign). Call Anne at (217) 352-6533 for more information.
— Medicare Task Force:
Attend the Medicare Task Force press conference on the new health reform law and the provisions that affect Medicare beneficiaries on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at the CCHCC office (44 East Main Street, Suite 208 in downtown Champaign). Come to the press conference to learn more about how seniors can benefit from this new law! Contact Anne for more information at anne@HealthCareconsumers.org.
— Join us for a Community Meeting on Health Reform to find out how the new health reform law will impact you. Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Champaign Public Library – 200 W. Green Street in Champaign. Visit our website for more information:
Volunteer for our Consumer Health Hotline!
Hotline Advocates are trained to work one-on-one with consumers to solve their problems with the health care system. Problems can range from questions about medical bills, filing a complaint, finding a medical provider that accepts Medicaid insurance, or applying for one of CCHCC’s programs. Volunteer Advocates participate in Hotline training, and must be able to commit to a regular schedule and a minimum of a two-hour shift per week in the CCHCC office. Contact our Hotline Coordinator Yadira at (217)
352-6533 or email yadira@Health Careconsumers.org.