CCHCC Health Action Network
The CCHCC Health Action Network (HAN) is a grassroots organizing effort dedicated to empowering and mobilizing consumers for system change through simple coordinated actions. Through the CCHCC HAN, individuals can help influence local, state, and national health care policy by taking action as part of a collective effort. In unity is strength! The HAN action alerts inform activists about an issue and provide information about easy ways to take action. Actions range from making a phone call or writing an email to attending meetings and forums.
Information on the Issue
Local consumers’ reports and CCHCC’s research have both revealed a staggering health care crisis in Champaign County. This crisis is affecting thousands of people who have Medicaid insurance, people who are without insurance, and consumers who have medical debt. These consumers are regularly denied access to health care services at the two main local clinics, Carle Clinic and Christie Clinic. Because the majority of Champaign County’s physicians (over 90%) are concentrated at the Clinics, the Clinics’ policies of refusing or limiting care to patients who have Medicaid insurance, no insurance, or who have medical debt has resulted in tens of thousands of community members being locked out of primary and specialty health care services. Because of the Clinics’ policies, approximately 70,000 people, or 40% of Champaign County’s population, have limited or no access to vital health care services. This is a community health crisis!
The entire community, including health care providers, elected officials, state officials, local organizations, and community members all must work together to put an end to this crisis and create a lasting solution that results in quality, affordable heath care for all Champaign County residents. CCHCC has begun a grassroots organizing campaign to end this health care access crisis, and we need your help! Please take action today!
How to Take Action!
There are several ways that you can take action to end the health care access crisis. Read below for more information on how you can help, then fill out the July 2007 Health Action Network form on the previous page and return it to CCHCC.
Add your name to our petition!
You can add your name to the petition to demand equal access to health care for everyone in our community! CCHCC has gathered hundreds of petitions already and each name added helps.
Join the Health Care Access Task Force!
We will add you to the Health Care Access Task Force mailing list and you will receive important updates about the campaign, and invitations to attend Task Force meetings and events.
Share your story!
If you have been denied medical appointments or other vital health services and want to share your story, please let us know. Local stories are important to our community organizing efforts and bring validity to our struggle. CCHCC will contact you to follow-up.