While candidates continue to heat up their campaigns as we approach the November elections, CCHCC will be do our part to educate the voting public and provide clear, unbiased information to empower voters as you head to the polls. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we have to follow strict rules that require any educational materials and actions during the election season remain non-partisan and we are not allowed to endorse any candidates or support one political party over another.
However, we all still have a role to play in the political process that could decide the fate of so many vital social programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act. We will NOT stand idly by as politicians and candidates running for election continue to campaign on a platform to fully repeal health reform and completely dismantle Medicare and Social Security. Champaign County Health Care Consumers still has a right to participate in the democratic process and ensure that you, the voters, fully utilize your rights as a citizen to cast a well-informed vote on November 6.
Health Care Voter Guides are now available! Please download the voter guides at the bottom of this page for useful information on relevant social and economic issues related to health care and social justice.
For more information on Health Reform, check out CCHCC’s Health Reform Fact Sheet.
If you have not yet registered to vote, register under the grace period!
You can still register to vote in Illinois through the grace period registration and voting from Oct. 10 – Nov. 3.
* You have to register at the Champaign County Clerk’s Office.
* They are open Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and are located at 1776 E. Washington St., Urbana, IL 61802.
* You need to bring two forms of ID (both with your name, one with your current address).
* You will either vote when you register or be sent a ballot by mail.
* If you have questions, you can call their office at (217) 384-3720.
If you have been in prison, have been convicted of a felony, are on probation, or you are homeless, you CAN register to vote! If you are on parole or probation, you NEED to re-register to vote.
Going to Vote!
What You Need To Know When You Go To Vote:
* You do NOT need to show your Voter Registration card to vote.
* You MAY need to show a picture ID the first time you vote, if you used the “Motor Voter” form to register.
Finding Your Precinct & Polling Place:
* Your Voter Registration card lists your precinct’s polling place.
* If you are unsure of where to go, call the Champaign County Clerk’s office at (217) 384-3720 or visit www.champaigncountyclerk.com.
* You can also use Project Vote Smart (see below).
Absentee Voting:
* Absentee voting is open Sept. 27 – Nov. 2.
* You can vote in person at the Champaign County Clerk’s Office OR by mail.
Early Voting:
* Early voting is open Oct. 22 – Nov. 3.
* You can vote in person at the Champaign County Clerk’s Office OR at a designated location.
Voting at the Polls:
* Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
* The polls are open from 6 a.m. – 7 p.m.
* Vote at your designated polling place.
IF YOU LIVE IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, you can contact the Champaign County Clerk’s Office:
* For information on your voter registration status;
* To find out which district you are in and what candidates are running;
* To request an absentee voting ballot; and
* To find out what precinct you are in and find your polling place!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Champaign County Clerk’s Office
1776 E. Washington St., Urbana, IL 61802
(217) 384-3720
* * * * * * * * * * * *
YOU CAN ALSO contact Project Vote Smart to get information about which district you are in, the candidates running in your district, and more! Project Vote Smart is a non-profit, non-partisan research organization that collects and distributes information on candidates running for public office across the country.
Project Vote Smart
1-888-VOTESMART (1-888-868-3762) (toll-free)
Ballot Guides
Champaign-Urbana Ballot Guide (pdf)
Mahomet Ballot Guide (pdf)
Monticello Ballot Guide (pdf)
Paxton Ballot Guide (pdf)
Rantoul/Gifford/Danville Ballot Guide (pdf)
Savoy Ballot Guide (pdf)
St. Joseph/Homer/Sydney/Tuscola Ballot Guide (pdf)
NEW District Maps
Congressional Districts:
13th Congressional District.pdf
15th Congressional District.pdf
House Districts:
101st House.pdf
102nd House.pdf
103rd House.pdf
104th House.pdf
Senate Districts:
51 Senate District.pdf
52 Senate District.pdf
53 Senate District.pdf
Voter Guides
About This Voter Guide:
CCHCC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and does not endorse elected officials, candidates for office, or political parties. However, CCHCC does participate in voter education and encourages everyone in the community to exercise their right to vote.
We hope this Health Care Voter Guide provides local consumers with useful information on relevant social and economic issues related to health care and social justice. Contact CCHCC for more information on these issues or for other ways to get involved.
The Health Care Voter Guides are listed below for both the Champaign-Urbana and Rantoul/Danville areas in two formats. The short version is more printer friendly and just lists each candidate’s responses (i.e. Support or Oppose) for the survey questions. The long version includes each candidate’s comments and explanations for their survey responses. As you will notice, some candidates commented on the survey questions but did not check a response box, so you will need to refer to the long version to see their full response.
About the Candidates:
CCHCC surveyed 10 candidates from the Champaign-Urbana and Rantoul/Danville area for this Health Care Voter Guide. CCHCC surveyed candidates running for U.S. House, State Senate and State Representative. Not all candidates running in these districts completed a survey.
Champaign-Urbana: short & long
Rantoul/Danville: short & long